life, thousand, curve, crystal, mainstream, cow, kitchen, cross, fence, note, underneath, pair, rusty, blanket, south, fluid, five, natural, consistency, painted, stun, distress, signal, detailed, wind, graphite, cuddle.....

March 31, 2011


She loves it when we invite one of her best friends over to play. Especially one such as Axel....who is also female ...because the other friends are all males and they just seem to get side tracked with those 'guy thoughts' all the time. gggrrr............

March 30, 2011


The color - natural. The curl - unfortunately not natural. I have thought...thousands of times...about discontinuing and going straight like the rest of the world. A thought. Very short lived. Without that perm my hair is not only straight but flat. It laughs at the curling iron. I'm told I have a nice head of hair but the hair itself is fine. Fine as in....thin...not as in nice fine. They don't last as long anymore. The curl isn't as tight as it used to be. Guess...the hair is getting up in age also. Someday, maybe it will have to be discontinued. When I can't get around anymore. When I can't drive. When I have no one to take me. When...I don't have enough hair to worry about. hehe For now, continue on...the is me. It's my 'trademark' per se.

March 29, 2011


I love these types of plants. The type that are guaranteed to provide a smile inhibiting blossom when the plant is neglected. Or....maybe it just knew it was spring. Looks kind of ferocious, doesn't it?

March 28, 2011


I can't wait til I am out in the boat again. Casting. Catching. Relaxing. Smiling. Feeling the river breeze. Smelling the wonders of nature. Listening to the wildlife that comes from the shore. Casting. Catching. Relaxing. Smiling. (deep sigh)

March 27, 2011

85 - PUMP

I love old farms. The discoveries. The memories that might be attached to the artifacts found on the grounds somewhere. An old pump, lost amidst the branches of an untrimmed tree. Arousing thoughts of ancient times. Days of cowboys and farmers wives....bringing in water from outside to cook and bathe. Days....of simpler times. Days when the out of doors was appreciated and enjoyed by the young. Days lacking of modern technology - tvs, gameboys, cell phones, ipods, computers. Days of more physical activity. Strange? That an old pump can arouse such thoughts and ponderings.

March 26, 2011

84 - CHUCK

I rounded the corner of the trail not sure where it was leading me since it was the first time we had actually been able to completely discover this new found natural area. Lexi somewhere ahead of me. I knew she couldn't be far because she normally will not go far ahead of me. She scouts out ahead of me and circles around, running, panting, laughing, excited to be able to explore a new trail with me...and then she normally circles back...looking at me like I should be walking faster in order to keep up with her. This time I found her searching through the brush on the side of the trail. Tail wagging...but cautious. Thoughts of racoon...or possibly even Mr. Smelly Cat crossed my mind....knowing it was a bit early for them to be out searching for dinner....cautiously realizing....unless they were rabid. A chance we take on these explorations of ours. As I neared where she searched, I saw something scamper up the tree. Thinking it was just a squirrel, I circled around to look for it, loving to chatter back at them to let them know all is find....Chuck. Just Mr. Chuck. Mr. my amazement. Mr. he froze on the tree in hopes that we wouldn't see him...allowing me to capture a profile picture of him. Ah...Mr. Chuck...thank you. You made my day.

March 25, 2011

83 - STEM

Stems. Frozen. Caught up in the process of the spring thaw. Warmth allowing the snow to melt from the roof. Dripping from the eaves. Capturing anything in it's way as it the...ground. It's fall broken by sleeping branch stems. The hour of dusk with temperatures dropping below freezing again....engulfing the hopeful stems in icycles. Crushing their hopeful thoughts of warmer, spring like days.

March 24, 2011


They are my world. I know there are days...and times...when they have probably questioned that....but they are my world. My thoughts are with them every day. They are more valuable than anything else in this world. No amount of money could ever replace them. Their value....makes me an extremely rich person. This is the one thing in my life that this crazy economy can not reduce the value of. Each year...they become more valuable. With each grandchild they give me....they become more valuable. With each hug they give me...they become more valuable.

I love them through everything. The good. The bad. The ugly. I have learned ..that there is nothing in this world that could replace the happiness they give me. Everyday I miss them. Everyday I have great memories. Everyday I think of them.....I realize how very rich I am and how my world is filled with some irreplaceable valuables.

March 23, 2011


She's always seems to know exactly when and where to situate herself to get the attention she feels she so deserves. Here....she sneaks up under the table and sticks her nose up and through wherever she could find a little opening....knowing.....that someone was going to notice.

March 22, 2011


The Pelican Council.

('ve just got to have some fun.)

March 21, 2011

Seventy 9 - PROMOTION

Just a little self promotion....with some really, really high hopes.

March 20, 2011

Seventy 8 - NEAR

A sure sign that spring is near.
The Robin has returned to welcome back spring. My most favorite sign that Father Winter is falling asleep.
A wonderful prompt for fond memories of my Dear Grandpa.
Miss you Dearly.

March 18, 2011

Seventy 6 - PRESENTLY

Presently, we are enjoying some warmer, hopeful spring days. The snow is melting. The sun shines with warmth. An opportunity to ride through the car wash and clean off salt and road dirt. If only....for a day.

March 17, 2011

Seventy 5 - SMILED

Each time he smiled during this photo session....

It was for her.

March 16, 2011

Seventy 4 - RESEARCH

This represents a very small portion of my home 'research' sources for a couple of my passions outside of photography....birds, wildlife and gardening...nature in general.

March 15, 2011

Seventy 3 - EXPENSIVE

Avocados. Expensive here in the midwest compared to what I was used to paying for them in my more southerly habitat. One of my favorite garnishes. Very seldom do I have a salad at home without it. They are a wonderful addition and garnish to this wonderful home made shrimp tortilla soup (compliments of Cooking Light recipes). So, despite their expensive cost....I can't give them up.

March 14, 2011

Seventy 2 - SOUL

It does stir the soul when the moon rises and provides the skies with yet more light...and sometimes some amazing blue color. The slightly dusky, fogginess giving it a dreamy, relaxing aura. I couldn't help but notice the squirrel nest just recently built in the tree branches just below it and they sleep with such a bright light glowing. Maybe they too sit in their nest, gawking at the sight which soothes the souls of all around.

(I apologize for the blurriness. I still have a bad habit of not grabbing my tripod when I know it is a major tool for these shots.)

Happy Camper - NOT

A virus got my computer sick this weekend. Not a happy camper. Hopefully be back with posts in a day or two. This is a total first for me in having dealt with home computer's for many years. I guess I should consider myself....blessed.

March 13, 2011

Seventy 1 - BENEATH

Each spring when the piles of snow melt, piles that can be five and six feet tall, it totally amazes me that what lies beneath it for three and four months at a time, still green...and has maintained its herbal smell (my garden of thyme).

March 12, 2011

70 - DEAR

My Dear Mother. You've got to love her. I'm just saying.

She walked into the house, free of spirt, wearing this hat....cute as a bug. (This is why I carry my camera with me every where that I go!!!)

March 11, 2011

60 Nine -FIRM

I am a firm believer of natural healthiness. Natural remedies. Green tea, made with 1/2 water and 1/2 cranberry juice for added vitamin c. Two cups a day. Warming the body, heart and mind in the morning and late evening. I firmly believe this has helped keep me free of many of the viruses, colds, flus that everyone else has had to fight off. (Knock on wood)

March 10, 2011

60 Eight - LANDSCAPE

Simple. Black. White.
A winter landscape that I was so honored to be able to capture.

March 9, 2011

60 Seven - RIDE

A ride that some day I hope I get to take.
I lived in Houston for 30 years. For 30 years I drove through Houston traffic 30 some miles to work for the same company. Quite often though mornings would bring a hot air balloon to our viewing enjoyment, floating over the city...sometimes low enough you would think you could just reach up and touch it.
Quite often in my useless haste through bumper to bumper traffic, I would dream of being in that balloon...watching the traffic from above...smiling down...yelling down.....
'Sorry 'bout your luck'.

March 8, 2011


Taking in door 'table top' shots is definitely something that needs to be practiced a bit more often.
This was taken with an overhead chandelier like light, no flash on the camera, after sunset, slow shutterspeed, propped and held as still as possible on the edge of the table.
In just the right position, I found the of my most favorite surprises to come upon. hopes that it will encourage those in the cold, frozen ground to peak their heads out soon.

March 7, 2011


It's only March. Don't let the warmer....above freezing temperatures fool you. There is still time for more breathtaking winter precipitation to be captured through that looking glass.
Large snow flakes captured in the wee hours of the morning...just as light of day breaks...
Texture added in post outlines and poster edges.

March 6, 2011

60 Four - LACKING

You would think she was lacking in attention. Actually, I think she is lacking in exercise although the past couple of weeks have warmed enough for us to take periodic walks through town.

She is sitting on the floor with her head propped up on the bed...the side opposite of where I am preparing to retire for the evening. Patiently waiting for me to climb in before she climbs in beside me...schooching up stay keep me warm.

(I am pretty sure she has figured out that she needs to sit still for me when I point this black contraption at her. The sooner she sits still, the sooner I'll put it up. You just couldn't ask for a better model.)

And, I promise, you will see her quite often.

March 5, 2011

60 Three - DASH

When I bought my 4 runner...well to make a long story short, I went to buy a Highlander and instead bought a 4 runner...something I had wanted for many years but always thought they were higher priced than I wanted to pay. I went into the showroom after test driving the Highlander, reluctantly to discuss pricing with the sales people, and wandered upon a black 4 runner that eagerly opened it's doors to me.

I decided to test drive one. They brought a black one up for me to test drive was covered in ladybugs. In October. In Wisconsin. I knew...before I even got behind the wheel that I was going to have to take it home with me.

I did.
I purchased Maybelle, the ladybug, to sit on the DASH of my 4 runner and travel with me every where I go. Bringing good luck.
130,000 miles later. First new tires put on last year. Still has the original brakes on it. (Now hoping this doesn't jinx it all.) Hoping for another 130,000.
Hoping...the next will be just as lucky as this one has.

March 4, 2011


Fortunately for me, she has a lot of patience. A lot of dedication to me.

She is...quite model..for well as, in her own way, a role model for me. All humans should be this loving and forgiving...but then....what a strange world that would be.

I always wonder why it took me almost an hour and half to decide to bring her home with me.
I couldn't have asked for a better 'life partner'.

March 3, 2011

60 One - TAILOR

Every day...five days....sometimes six days a week, I feel I have to tailor my personal life, my needs, around this....this pile. For seven years now, I've been over worked...and yes, more than likely, underpaid. A beginning company I came to with a challenge of being a one woman addition to one so called sales person. For four years, it pretty much stayed that way as we struggled with competition, poor management decisions. Me...feeling like I had to hold it all together. Initially, I loved the challenge. As more and more responsibility was poured on with less and less respect for my time, for me as a person...the challenge changed to dread and drudgery. The hate of Sundays. The exhaustion. Cancelling and tailoring of my personal schedule thus allowing this place to be a priority that shouldn't have been.

A few additional people have been added but none have removed my initial responsibilities. Of course, business has very slowly...kept going. One quarter up. The next year down. Installation of production facililities adding on a bit more ....piles of paper. More corporate people in and out. Less and less notice of the exhaustion and work that I have contributed. More tears. More feelings of being...just a woman. A superwoman with lost powers.

Finally a little light at the end of the tunnel with hiring of an accountant. Just enough light to make the shoulders feel just a bit lighter. Unfortunately...probably....a day late and an exhausted lady with...well, go figure, a poor moral.

Just. More. Decisions. To be made.
But...looking very forward to a little light........

March 2, 2011

Sixty - OWING

Is it? The American way? This American...not really fond of it. Owing. Owing. Owing. About the time one feels it is under control and going throws another curve ball. reads another photography article or attends another photography meeting gadgets - well - must be had. (Smiling)

March 1, 2011

50 Nine - FULL

A tub full of bubbles and bottles. Preparation for bottling of home made wine!! Woo hoo!!
Yes....I had to drink a lot of store bought wine to empty enough bottles for the home made wine. Not to worry. This was a year and half in making. Newly bottled.....Trisha's Simple Rose Wine. Happy.