life, thousand, curve, crystal, mainstream, cow, kitchen, cross, fence, note, underneath, pair, rusty, blanket, south, fluid, five, natural, consistency, painted, stun, distress, signal, detailed, wind, graphite, cuddle.....

March 9, 2011

60 Seven - RIDE

A ride that some day I hope I get to take.
I lived in Houston for 30 years. For 30 years I drove through Houston traffic 30 some miles to work for the same company. Quite often though mornings would bring a hot air balloon to our viewing enjoyment, floating over the city...sometimes low enough you would think you could just reach up and touch it.
Quite often in my useless haste through bumper to bumper traffic, I would dream of being in that balloon...watching the traffic from above...smiling down...yelling down.....
'Sorry 'bout your luck'.


  1. Taking a ride in a hot air balloon is near the top of my bucket list.

  2. I went to Albuquerque New Mexico and saw these every morning as I drove to my seminar. I so love your imagery of being high above and yelling down to the ants stucks in traffic.

