life, thousand, curve, crystal, mainstream, cow, kitchen, cross, fence, note, underneath, pair, rusty, blanket, south, fluid, five, natural, consistency, painted, stun, distress, signal, detailed, wind, graphite, cuddle.....

May 6, 2011

125 - BIAS

On one of my trips during my youth, in the back of a station wagon with my five siblings and parents, I remember a lot of conversation from one person in particular where a certain ethnic minority was put down for reasons that I couldn't understand. That trip is engrained in my 'past thoughts' quite often affecting the way I think about a complete different perspective as it was that day from that person.

I don't like prejudices...but then does any one ever really like them...whether they have them or not. I like to believe that I don't have prejudices...biases for or against any ethnic group. Sometimes it is hard...just as I am sure it is hard for them also. After should one feel after things like 911. The world, society can really make lack of bias almost impossible. Yet...I try really hard to remind myself that each and every ethnicity has their plus and minuses...including the ethnicity that I am a part of.

Yet...there are a few biases I enjoy sharing...such as my bias for the Golden Retriever...versus the Black Labs. My passion for the floral gardens in my life is much more biased towards the summer perennial garden versus the spring annuals. And among the summer floral versatility...I have a large bias for the more daisy like flowers. They don't have to have the word 'daisy' in their name...they only need to represent that same multi petaled look with the bright (or dark) face that seems to me and I'll make smile.

It is this bias that attracts me, pulls me in to them with some mystical magnet. There could be an entire field of all kinds of flowers and I am sure...I will find and enjoy that one mystical grouping of daisies that are found smiling amongst all the rest.

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