life, thousand, curve, crystal, mainstream, cow, kitchen, cross, fence, note, underneath, pair, rusty, blanket, south, fluid, five, natural, consistency, painted, stun, distress, signal, detailed, wind, graphite, cuddle.....

April 29, 2011


I meandered outside with my granddaughter to enjoy the swing and the weather. As we talked about the different things that surrounded us, we discovered this Anole lizard sunning itself on her sandbox top. He scurried to the underside hoping he would be hidden.
A perfect capture as he started to turn a bit reddish as he reflected off the red sand box sides. Another thing 'missed' from the southern environments.


  1. Great picture! I was amazed the other day in the parking lot at a strip mall to have a lizard run across the sidewalk and under a cover, right in front of me. I'm sure there are lizards all over here, but it's the first one I've seen since moving here three years ago.


  2. The little bitty guys used to come out early in the morning and drink up the dew on the leaves of my plants. It was awesome watching them. Another fond memory.
