life, thousand, curve, crystal, mainstream, cow, kitchen, cross, fence, note, underneath, pair, rusty, blanket, south, fluid, five, natural, consistency, painted, stun, distress, signal, detailed, wind, graphite, cuddle.....

May 28, 2011

147 - NEVER

My luck seems to have changed over the past few weeks as far as being able to get close up and personal with my subjects. Last year, this little lady would never have let me get this close to her. I'm guessing she was more hungry for the green grass after this long winter (oh yeah....its 36 degrees here in the morning today so maybe winter hasn't left).

The trick, you have to move forward slowly. I got to her level...on the ground and snapped a shot. I crept a little bit closer and took another. A little bit closer and snapped again. A bit more. Another pic. Closer. Snap. Closer.

There she goes into her abandoned house yard next door.

1 comment:

  1. This was well worth your patience to snap her photo - good job!
