life, thousand, curve, crystal, mainstream, cow, kitchen, cross, fence, note, underneath, pair, rusty, blanket, south, fluid, five, natural, consistency, painted, stun, distress, signal, detailed, wind, graphite, cuddle.....

April 10, 2011


Looking beyond the first bridge...beyond and under the overpass...beyond the horizon....beyond one's imagination.....
( seems my posts are dated one day beyond everyone else's...maybe in anticipation of needing to add this word - beyond - to my 365 project?? oops...had them numbered and dated's been a long day)

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I could just stand there and stare down the road forever.

    Your processing is really good - the vignetting around the edges really help draw my eye in as much as the perspective shrinking away into the distance.

    As for the dates on your posts - does your blog have a date & time setting? When I first started doing mine, it was set wrong. Perhaps yours got messed up with the time change.

